The concept of "Best Practices" leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Most of the time I see someone reference them, it's either as a tool to avoid learning ("just tell me what to do"), or a tool to silence dissenting ideas ("we shouldn't do that it's not a best practice").

Why, then, would I write something about best practices?

Because they're great starting places for learning! By working backwards from "what do people who have been doing this a while suggest?" and understanding why those suggestions exist, you can learn a ton about both the process and culture of creating software. Sometimes what you'll learn is that respected industry veterans can be full of shit.

Some Guidelines for Writing Fewer Bugs, or "Best Practices"

Your fundamental goals are to reduce the number of things that you have to keep in your head at any given moment, and to rely as little as possible on your own ability to consistently do things right. Humans are fallible creatures, and the fewer chances you give yourself to make mistakes, the fewer mistakes you'll make.

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